The Arrival

Inside Kudavilligili: An Exclusive Interview with Resident Manager Abdulla Inaz

Nestled amidst the azure waters of the Maldives lies Kudavilligili, a pristine island retreat where luxury meets tranquility. In an exclusive interview, we delve into the heart of this exquisite property with Abdulla Inaz, the Resident Manager who orchestrates the seamless blend of hospitality and paradise.

A Professional Passion: Abdulla Inaz’s journey at Kudavilligili is defined by a dual passion—personal and professional. Professionally, he finds exhilaration in bringing to life the visions of the property through collaboration with his dedicated team. He credits the success to their collective efforts and the unwavering support of the owners, whose commitment echoes through every aspect of the resort.

Personal Bliss: Beyond the realms of duty, Inaz finds solace in his ocean-facing abode, where the melody of the waves serenades his senses. He cherishes the symbiotic relationship between the environment and the resort’s architecture, ensuring guests experience seclusion amidst paradise.


Team Unity: At the heart of Kudavilligili lies a closely-knit team, where collaboration is key to realizing the owners’ vision. Inaz emphasizes the importance of unity in painting this vision, ensuring that each department contributes to the harmonious tapestry of hospitality.

Guests’ Delight: Guest satisfaction reigns supreme at Kudavilligili, where culinary excellence and immersive experiences await. Inaz highlights the diverse cuisines and the seamless integration of structures with nature as pivotal to guests’ appreciation, alongside the relentless dedication of the resort’s ambassadors.

A Day in the Life: From dawn till dusk, Inaz’s role encompasses meticulous oversight, from analyzing reports to addressing guest needs. His daily routine is a testament to his commitment to ensuring operational excellence and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Nurturing Talent: Inaz believes in nurturing talent by instilling a positive mindset amidst challenges. He views challenges as steppingstones to growth, imparting this philosophy to his team to cultivate resilience and adaptability.

Memorable Moments: Reflecting on his extensive tenure in the hospitality industry, Inaz finds joy in the simple act of witnessing travelers’ smiles—a testament to the profound impact of genuine hospitality.

Outlook: For Inaz, the journey at Kudavilligili is an ongoing pursuit of excellence, fueled by a shared objective to surpass existing benchmarks and redefine luxury in paradise.

Key to Success: In a world of transient temptations, Inaz advocates for willpower as the cornerstone of success, underscoring the virtues of consistency and discipline in any endeavor.

Community Engagement: The resort’s commitment extends beyond its shores, garnering appreciation from guests, partners, and the local community alike. Inaz emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between the property and its broader ecosystem.

Empowering Future Talent: Aspiring talents in the Maldives are encouraged to embrace the journey of discovery, allowing time to explore before committing to a career path. Inaz’s advice echoes the sentiment of patience and perseverance in the pursuit of passion.

Mentorship and Guidance: Inaz assumes the role of a mentor, guiding emerging talents through the ebbs and flows of the industry, imparting wisdom garnered from years of experience.

Parting Words:   As our journey concludes, Inaz extends gratitude for the opportunity to share the essence of Kudavilligili—a sanctuary where hospitality transcends boundaries, and paradise finds its home.

In the realm of luxury hospitality, Kudavilligili stands as a testament to the seamless fusion of opulence, authenticity, and unwavering dedication—a true haven where dreams find solace amidst the whispers of the ocean.

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