The Arrival

Maldives Tourism Reaches New Heights with Impressive Growth in 2024

The Maldives tourism sector continues to experience impressive growth in 2024, with a significant increase in tourist arrivals and sustained contributions from key international markets. As per the data published by the Ministry of Tourism, the Maldives welcomed 985,282 tourists up to June 23, marking a 10.1% increase compared to the same period in 2023.

Monthly Growth Highlights

The year started strongly with January seeing 192,385 arrivals, an 11.5% increase from January 2023. February and March also witnessed significant rises in tourist numbers, with February recording a 22.2% growth and March an 11.9% increase. While May saw a slight dip of 0.9%, June has shown recovery with an 8.5% increase in arrivals as of June 23.


Leading Source Markets

China has emerged as the largest source market in 2023, contributing 114,339 tourists, which accounts for 11.6% of the market share. Russia and the UK follow closely, with Russia providing 101,214 tourists (10.3%) and the UK contributing 91,360 tourists (9.3%). Other notable markets include Italy, Germany, and India, demonstrating the Maldives’ global appeal.

Accommodation Capacity

The Maldives continues to offer a wide range of accommodation options to cater to the growing number of tourists. As of June 23, 2024, the country boasts 1,203 operational tourist facilities with a total bed capacity of 62,356. Resorts dominate the accommodation sector, providing 42,955 beds across 182 resorts. Guesthouses, with 14,517 beds in 864 facilities, and safari vessels, offering 2,928 beds, also play crucial roles in accommodating tourists.

Daily Arrivals in June

Daily tourist arrivals in June 2024 have been steady, with figures ranging between 3,000 and 5,500 tourists per day. This consistent flow underscores the Maldives’ popularity as a year-round destination.

Government and Industry Response

The Ministry of Tourism attributes this growth to effective marketing strategies, improved connectivity, and the Maldives’ appeal as a safe and attractive destination in the post-pandemic era. The government continues to invest in tourism infrastructure and services to ensure a memorable experience for visitors.

The Maldivian tourism industry remains optimistic about maintaining this upward trajectory throughout the rest of the year, with expectations of surpassing previous records by the end of 2024.

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