The Arrival

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu’s Visionary Address at the Summit of the Future: A Bold Call for Global Action and Empowerment

In a powerful address at the Plenary of the Summit of the Future, His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Muizzu, President of the Republic of Maldives, captivated the global stage with a forward-looking vision that outlined transformative solutions for the challenges faced by future generations. Speaking as the 16th speaker on Sunday, 22 September 2024, President Muizzu’s five-minute address resonated deeply with leaders from around the world as he advocated for meaningful reforms in multilateralism, youth empowerment, climate action, and equitable financing.

President Muizzu’s remarks set a bold tone, beginning with a visionary call for a reimagined United Nations—one that is not distant and inaccessible, but a dynamic force actively shaping the lives of people worldwide. He challenged the global community to transform the multilateral system into one that delivers tangible results, stating, “It is time to turn the page to a chapter where multilateralism is more than a concept—but a lived reality.”

Empowering the Youth: The Leaders of Tomorrow

A key focus of President Muizzu’s address was the empowerment of young people, whom he described as the architects of the future. He emphasized that declarations and pacts must inspire youth and create opportunities for them to thrive. “Young people shape the world of today. And they will lead the world of tomorrow,” the President stated.

In the Maldives, President Muizzu highlighted ongoing efforts to create an enabling environment for youth by investing in cutting-edge digital infrastructure. His vision for the Maldives is one where digital innovation drives both economic opportunity and social equity, empowering young people to harness their creativity and take charge of their futures.

Confronting the Climate Crisis: The Greatest Challenge of Our Time

President Muizzu called attention to climate change, which he described as “the biggest threat to the present and future generations.” He spoke of the real and growing climate anxiety faced by nearly 62 percent of youth globally, urging the international community to act on their commitments to climate adaptation, mitigation, and the protection of marine resources.

He reminded the world of the stark reality facing Small Island Developing States (SIDS), stating that extreme weather events have caused over $153 billion in losses for these nations over the last 50 years. President Muizzu made it clear that ignoring the 1.5°C global warming target is not an option, declaring, “The Maldives is committed to achieving a net-zero, climate-resilient future. We’re doing our part. We urge all countries to do yours.”

Financing for the Future: A System That Works for All

In his third major point, President Muizzu emphasized that financing is the key to turning aspirations into reality. He pointed out that the SDG financing gap stands between $2.5 to $4 trillion annually, calling for an overhaul of the financial system to ensure that it is equitable and accessible to all, particularly vulnerable nations like the Maldives.

“We need adequate, predictable, and sustainable development and climate financing,” he stated. President Muizzu urged the global community to create a financial system that listens to everyone and works for everyone.

A Call for Courage and Global Responsibility

Towards the end of his speech, President Muizzu issued a powerful call for courage—courage to address pressing global challenges, including the genocidal war in Gaza, the full membership of the State of Palestine at the United Nations, and the accountability of human rights violators. He underscored that future generations would judge the current global leadership not by the processes initiated, but by the concrete actions taken.

“A future that is defined by equity, innovation, and real impact,” is what President Muizzu envisions. His final words were a rallying cry for the global community to rise to the occasion and fully implement the outcomes of the Summit, committing to a future where every challenge is met with action and every voice is heard.

“For the Maldives—and for every island, and for every soul dreaming of a better tomorrow—let us be the architects of that brighter future. Will we rise to the occasion? For the Maldives—the answer is yes, YES, we will!”

With this dynamic address, President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu once again positioned the Maldives as a leading voice in global conversations on youth empowerment, climate action, and sustainable development, demonstrating his administration’s unwavering commitment to shaping a resilient and prosperous future for all.

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